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Showing posts from 2018

How to make your partner understand what you want to say!

Ever wondered why can't he does not getting what you wanna say ? You want to tell your partner something but he does want to listen, or he is not getting what you want to communicate or he is least interested in listening to you , or he might feel that you talking useless. These are some of the common relationship issues we all face in our life. You know you love each other but sometimes the problem is understanding the relationship problems. And you know the problem  could be because of you people or because of somebody else.But i think the more concern is between you people because if you both can understand each other well than nobody could be the reason of the fight or the argument, But it does not mean if you guys fight or argue means your relationship is weak or you are not having a strong relationship . Sometimes it is just the situation which one person can see and the other can't. But if you both love each other than the problem must be sorted out between you.We s

Woman is God’s best creation !

Women is the most beautiful creation by God ! A woman is a companion to man given by God  . Women are blessed with a kind heart, a sea of love and bundle of affection. They are undoubtedly the symbol of love and pillar of strength.  Women is the most beautiful creation of God and she should know this. She must respect her and demand respect from men at all times. In India people worship females. They cant complete their rituals and worship without worshiping Indian Goddess.  Still male dominance is in society people want son and kill female child, but they can not understand the importance of girls. They want every role (mother,wife, sister, daughter, daughter-in-law) to be played by women but do not want them to come. • God ladies are often known as as creators of life as they're one take the pain for 9 long months and give birth to kids. •Women don’t play one role however have to be compelled to play totally different roles. •

Best Lipsticks under Rs-500

Colorbar Velvet Matte Lipstick, Hot Hot Hot , 4.2g  Colorbar Velvet Matt Lipstick 4.2g comes with a unique 2-in-1 formulation to offer your lips a creamy feel and a velvety matte finish. Enriched with Vitamin E and super softening agents like Jojoba oil and Shea butter, the lipstick keeps your lips soft, while making sure they stay hydrated. Buy Colorbar Velvet Matte lipstick and never worry about your lip colour fading or your lips drying up. The Hot Hot Hot shade in the Colorbar Velvet Matte Collection is great to highlight your lips. Complement with minimal eye shadow, light mascara and blush for a classic, elegant, evening look Maybelline Color Show Lip Matte, Flaming Fuchsia M104, 3.9g Enriched with ultra-care hydrating formula Lip color doesn't fade in extreme heat and humidity Shades stay true without drying up your lips Incolor Matte Me 407 Ultra Smooth Lip Cream-Rioja Red/Hot Red 6ml Weightless liquid colour with a velve

Inspiration quotes

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me. Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do. Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.

Rules To Protect Your Skin From Holi Colours

Holi is a festival of colors, it brings joy, happiness and a new beginning but it brings lots of problems-skin related problems. That's true holi colors cause lots of allergy and irritation and breakouts in a little precautions needs to be taken this holi don't damage your skin and hairs. Below are some tips :- Oiling:  Oil your hair with warm coconut oil or any other oil. Apply the oil in your hairs and skin. Apply oil all over your body, including hands, feet, and elbows at least 20-25 minutes before you start. Clothing:  Wear dark colour clothes. Synthetics would be sticky.Wear something that is equally comfortable for you.Try to wear something which covers yours most of the body and because of that colors will not not harm your skin. Nail-paints:  Protect your nails by applying nail polish. Water:  To keep you hydrated,drink loads of water before you start playing Holi.  Lips and Eyes:   Don't wear lenses. Avoid wearing lenses or glasses.

अमरूद के फायदे

अमरूद के फायदे अमरूद एक फल है जिसकी अलग-अलग भाषाओं में अलग-अलग नाम है जैसे पंजाबी में से अमरूद कहा जाता है मराठी में सिर्फ पेरू कहा जाता है गुजराती में इसे जामफल कहा जाता है इसी प्रकार इसके अलग-अलग नाम है यह बहुत पाया जाने वाला फल है जिसके जिसके अंदर बीज होते हैं जो महंगा फल नहीं है पर इसके फायदे बहुत ज्यादा हैं अमरूद के अंदर प्राकृतिक चीनी होती है जिसे  शुगर भी कहा जाता है जिसकी वजह से इसके जैम और जेली बनते हैं प्राकृतिक अमरूद के औषधीय गुण हैं इसके अंदर बहुत सारे विटामिन होते हैं और यह विटामिन सी के स्रोत है विटामिन सी का स्रोत है जो हमारे बहुत अच्छा होता है इसके अंदर और और एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स होते हैं जो कि हमारे शरीर के लिए बहुत अच्छा होता है अमरूद खाने के अलग अलग तरीके हैं कई लोग इसकी सब्जी बनाकर दिखाते हैं और कई लोग सिखाते हैं इसका स्वाद मीठा और खट्टा होता है यह बहुत तरह के जूस बनाने के काम भी आता है |  यह विटामिन सी का स्रोत है अमरूद के अंदर विटामिन सी होने के कारण यह हमारे प्रोटीन को बनने में मदद करता है और हमारा शरीर डैमेज होने से बचाता है|  अमरूद खाने वालों को मधुम

Skin lightning with in 10 minutes naturally || चेहरे की रंगत निखारने का...